
This IPython notebook illustrates how to use multiple blockers and combine the results.

First, we need to import py_entitymatching package and other libraries as follows:

In [1]:
# Import py_entitymatching package
import py_entitymatching as em
import os
import pandas as pd

Then, read the (sample) input tables for blocking purposes.

In [2]:
# Get the datasets directory
datasets_dir = em.get_install_path() + os.sep + 'datasets'

# Get the paths of the input tables
path_A = datasets_dir + os.sep + 'person_table_A.csv'
path_B = datasets_dir + os.sep + 'person_table_B.csv'

In [3]:
# Read the CSV files and set 'ID' as the key attribute
A = em.read_csv_metadata(path_A, key='ID')
B = em.read_csv_metadata(path_B, key='ID')

Combining Multiple Blockers

In [5]:
#Blocking plan :

#A, B --overlap blocking--> candset --attr-equiv-block--> candset  |
#                                                                  | 
#A, B ------------rule-based-blocking--------------------> candset |----union--->candset
#                                                                  |
#A, B -----------black-box-blocking----------------------> candset |

In [6]:
# Overlap blocking over input tables
ob = em.OverlapBlocker()
# block using name
C = ob.block_tables(A, B, 'name', 'name', word_level=True, overlap_size=1, 
                    l_output_attrs=['name', 'birth_year'], 
                    r_output_attrs=['name', 'birth_year'],

_id ltable_ID rtable_ID ltable_name ltable_birth_year rtable_name rtable_birth_year
0 0 a3 b2 William Bridge 1986 Bill Bridge 1986
1 1 a2 b3 Michael Franklin 1988 Mike Franklin 1988
2 2 a5 b5 Alphonse Kemper 1984 Alfons Kemper 1984
3 3 a2 b6 Michael Franklin 1988 Michael Brodie 1987

In [7]:
# Overlap blocking over input tables
ob = em.OverlapBlocker()
# block using name
C = ob.block_tables(A, B, 'name', 'name', word_level=True, overlap_size=1, 
                    l_output_attrs=['name', 'birth_year'], 
                    r_output_attrs=['name', 'birth_year'],

_id ltable_ID rtable_ID ltable_name ltable_birth_year rtable_name rtable_birth_year
0 0 a3 b2 William Bridge 1986 Bill Bridge 1986
1 1 a2 b3 Michael Franklin 1988 Mike Franklin 1988
2 2 a5 b5 Alphonse Kemper 1984 Alfons Kemper 1984
3 3 a2 b6 Michael Franklin 1988 Michael Brodie 1987

In [8]:
# Attribute equivalence blocking: block C using birth_year
ab = em.AttrEquivalenceBlocker()
D = ab.block_candset(C, 'birth_year', 'birth_year', show_progress=False)

In [9]:

_id ltable_ID rtable_ID ltable_name ltable_birth_year rtable_name rtable_birth_year
0 0 a3 b2 William Bridge 1986 Bill Bridge 1986
1 1 a2 b3 Michael Franklin 1988 Mike Franklin 1988
2 2 a5 b5 Alphonse Kemper 1984 Alfons Kemper 1984

In [10]:
# Rule-based blocking over input tables
# first get features that can be used
feature_table = em.get_features_for_blocking(A, B, validate_inferred_attr_types=False)

In [11]:
# Create rule-based blocker
rb = em.RuleBasedBlocker()
# Add rule : block tuples if name_name_lev(ltuple, rtuple) < 0.4
rb.add_rule(['name_name_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) < 0.4'], feature_table)


In [12]:
E = rb.block_tables(A, B, l_output_attrs=['name'], r_output_attrs=['name'], show_progress=False)

In [13]:
# Apply black box blocker
# Create black box blocker
bb = em.BlackBoxBlocker()

In [14]:
# define a black box function. 
# The blocker function should drop tuple pairs whose last name do not match
# The function has to do the following steps
#  1) Get name attributes from each of the tuples
#  2) Split name attribute to get last name
#  3) if last names donot match return True

In [15]:
def my_function(x, y):
    # x, y will be of type pandas series
    # get name attribute
    x_name = x['name']
    y_name = y['name']
    # get last names
    x_name = x_name.split(' ')[1]
    y_name = y_name.split(' ')[1]
    # check if last names match
    if x_name != y_name:
        return True
        return False

In [16]:

In [17]:
F = bb.block_tables(A, B, l_output_attrs=['name'], r_output_attrs=['name'], show_progress=False)

In [18]:

_id ltable_ID rtable_ID ltable_name rtable_name
0 0 a2 b3 Michael Franklin Mike Franklin
1 1 a3 b2 William Bridge Bill Bridge
2 2 a5 b5 Alphonse Kemper Alfons Kemper

In [19]:
# Combine all the blocker outputs
G = em.combine_blocker_outputs_via_union([D, E, F])

In [20]:

_id ltable_ID rtable_ID ltable_name ltable_birth_year rtable_name rtable_birth_year
0 0 a2 b3 Michael Franklin 1988 Mike Franklin 1988
1 1 a2 b6 Michael Franklin 1988 Michael Brodie 1987
2 2 a3 b2 William Bridge 1986 Bill Bridge 1986
3 3 a3 b6 William Bridge 1986 Michael Brodie 1987
4 4 a4 b2 Binto George 1987 Bill Bridge 1986
5 5 a5 b5 Alphonse Kemper 1984 Alfons Kemper 1984

In [21]:

id: 4547208976
rtable( 4546836464
key: _id
fk_rtable: rtable_ID
fk_ltable: ltable_ID
ltable( 4546835680

In [ ]: